Esu JESUS Immanuel SANANDA, was "the greatest to walk on Earth" and now - the TRUTH about the Creative Source God, universe ETs aliens, the uniqueness of Spirituality and Mankind ... more background
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Journal 2 A MOST IMPORTANT JOURNAL - Gain new understanding AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL I AM SANANDA This document represents the true story of the life of the person most know as "Jesus of Nazareth". It is told by Jesus and by his scribe Judas Iscarioth who most think of as the betrayer. It tells the real betrayer and the reason why. Other topics include:- Mary, Gabriel, actual teachings of the Master. Clarification regarding God and The Creator. The Laws of The Creation and the Commandments clearly given. |
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Journal 3 A MOST HELPFUL JOURNAL - New understanding about Extraterrestrials SPACE-GATE THE VEIL REMOVED by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn Hatonn provides Facts concerning the governmental cover-up of extraterrestrials visiting our planet, and crashing on our planet, as early as the late 1940s/early 1950s. Historical perspective of the period from the late 40s to present is put forth with many surprising, startling and troubling details of secret actions by governmental agencies and representatives. Disclosure of various "secret" agencies and societies, such as the "above top-secret" MJ-12 (Majestic 12), The Jason Society, The Bilderbergers, the secret government, the "grey-men" and details regarding their strategies and operating methods. Past cover-ups are exposed. Clarification of the ongoing peaceful intent and involvement of the beings from space. Signs of the times, prophecies and the involvement of Satan and Christ in these "end times" are clearly stated. The correlation between Christ and extraterrestrials is clarified. |
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Journal 4 The MONEY JOURNAL - Gain new understanding SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER Life Boat Measures - if you act now by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn This Journal contains details about our current economic malaise and Waking-up to some economic realities. Exposing the "grey-men" and the secret government, their manipulations from a historical, perspective the degree of their diabolical capabilities, and the perfection of their plan on the unsuspecting "masses". Depression imminent. Get ready, it is coming down fast. New currency and some solutions for not getting caught in the new money and debit card system. Get your hands on cash (under 50s) and stash it (not in a bank). Financial strategies across the board. The solution of Incorporation (for everyone). The Nevada secret. Prophecies of these times previously given. Sananda and Aton state 'how it will be'. |
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Journal 5 Some comparison between ETs and Earth people - Gain new understanding FROM HERE TO ARMAGEDDON by Ashtar This Journal continues the series of spiritual instructions for Earth. This Journal is a multi-dimensional perspective, offered in precisely clear language. Some noteworthy cautions to "receivers". Clarification of the Ashtar energy, of etherian beings and of the difference between space people and spirit people. Earth as a school of learning, of the lower grades. Great insights into the purpose and state of "man", of the planetary condition and the governmental attitude toward "higher" beings. Demystification of the planetary cleansing and evacuation process. Turning the cards on evil through understanding their methods. The true origin of the species of man. The "dark brotherhood" is real. Pitfalls are plentiful, the path steep. There's no turning back. Christ's teaching gave us example. The nuclear threat is real. The powerful forces of Spirit at work within man during this 'end-time' where final choices must be made. Closing statement by Sananda (also known as Jesus Christ). |
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Journal 7 MOST INTERESTING and IMPORTANT JOURNAL - Gain new understanding THE RAINBOW MASTERS THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN There are many contributing Spirits to this Journal. Our friend Patrick told many stories to help us gain a new understanding ... that makes sense to what you have been told before ... this time KNOW REAL ISSUES. |
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Journal 27 The MOST IMPORTANT JOURNAL - IT IS FROM THE GOD SPIRIT UNDERSTANDING THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION Also called "THE LAWS OF BALANCE" PHOENIX OPERATOR-/-OWNER MANUAL INCLUDING FLIGHT INSTRUCTION Of all the various Journals, it is THIS JOURNAL that is MOST IMPORTANT because the God Spirit itself is telling us the Rules by which we should live our lives and more. |
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Journal 47 ANOTHER IMPORTANT JOURNAL - Gain new understanding PRE-FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PHOENIX This Journal continues the series of spiritual instructions for Earth Humans transmitted by the Master teacher and Spiritual Guardian of Earth, Jesus Esu Sananda, with contributions by Archangel Michael and St. Germain. Because the "end" of a great cycle is near, each of you have a unique opportunity to attain spiritual "graduation" into higher dimensions. These lessons are designed to assist you with the transmutation of SELF toward God-knowing Co-creatorship by helping you to recognize the errors of your thinking and behavior which defy God's Laws and cause DISCORD. Some of the topics are: Testing - The Creation - The Healing Power of Forgiveness - Friendship and the Path to Oneness - The Power of Unity - Giving of Self - Knowing the Truth - Dominance and Surrender - "New Age" Nonsense - Human Opinion vs. God Knowing - Understanding "Restless" Feelings - Exploring the Root Cause of Insecurity - Knowing Your Intent - Discernment, Insight and Wisdom. The Hosts of God come with the Word to lift you from your bondage in this dimension. Will you recognize and take the blessed hand of God? The choice, as always, is yours. |
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50 |
Journal 50 ANOTHER IMPORTANT JOURNAL - that Sananda has reminded us to read Journal 50 THROUGH DARKNESS INTO LIGHT ENDLESS CYCLES OF THE DIVINE PLAN There are many lessons to be learnt in this Journal including Atlantis, Other Planets of our Sun. Going back to basics and reminders of the New World order. Oh there is so much to read ... time to start now. Meditation, Photo Belt, Sumerians. |
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